All Heck Breaking Loose

My boss' last day was yesterday. She's been working since she was 14 and has done some smart planning so she can retire at a relatively early age. Good for her!

I'm going to miss her a lot. Not only was she cool to work for, she was a friend. She gave me room to get my stuff done, was always there to help and we enjoyed shooting the shit on a personal level. She was awesome on communicating with the users and following up to make sure things were done.

She was also the biggest Pollyana I've ever met in my life. To get her to say something critical about someone was a tremendous undertaking. And, even if she did admit it, a week later she would have re-set and thought that person was wonderful.

That was a good quality to have around here to balance the view of the cynics that Sugar Daddy and I are. Hopefully, her replacement lean towards the 'Up With People' attitude so we can meet somewhere in the middle.

I predicted that things were going to go to hell as soon as she left. Little did I know that Nostradamus had nothing on my prognostication skills.

She left at 2 yesterday afternoon.

The power to our buildings went out at 8 PM last night and didn't come up for another 4 hours or so.

All the servers (websites, applications, phones, email, etc.) were dead. Our night operator, UNIX guy, network guy and a Help Desk Tech all waited it out so they could turn everything back on. Sugar Daddy even drove in from Chandler (and he was supposed to have yesterday and today off) in the middle of the night to work on stuff that didn't come back up cleanly.

It was still a mess this morning. External email was down, a main server was slow, printers were offline and some critical processes didn't get restarted.


It's been a long week. I'm not going to make any more negative predictions. My psychic abilities are too scary.

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