
I don't normally comment on politics. It seems to get people riled up and, frankly, I'm more of a lover than a fighter.

There was an on-line article that got me all fired up a few days ago and I wrote this post.

Imagine my surprise when one of the gubernatorial candidates commented to clarify his reported statement. I mean, come on, I'm just a teeny tiny blogger. Why bother?

However, I found it very cool that he cared enough to respond. Since I put my main comments on the blog, I thought it only fair to put his comment and my response on a post as well.

Here's what he had to say:

Actually, I am Gary Tupper and the press edited four sentences together out of a 2 minute response to a question. I personally could care less about our current governor's personal life, but I cited specific examples that illustrate that she is out of touch with the majority of us, mostly because she is a career politician. Feel free to contact me with your questions, Tupper at Tupper06.com or at least give me the benefit of the doubt before you judge me. GTGary Tupper 07.20.06 - 11:55 pm #

(please note: I edited his email address to minimize the potential spam he may get).

Here's what I said in return:

Mr. Tupper,

Thank you for stopping by. I can't speak for the media on their editing but I can speak for myself. I apologize that my cynicism led me to infer a hidden meaning that you did not intend. I appreciate that you care enough to respond to a little Blog like mine in order to clarify your point.

I really do appreciate (the start of that sentence begs to be followed by "the fact you're sitting here") that he made the effort to find my post and defend his stance.

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