Book Review - Sophie's World

I haven't posted any book reviews lately, mostly because I've been rereading a whopper of a book (513 pages in the trade version) called Sophie's World by Jostein Gaarder. Since the subject matter is the History of Philosophy, you can't just skim through it.

I first read this book shortly after it came out in the mid-90s and I picked it up as an impulse buy at Border's when I went shopping for my Mom for Mother's Day. I have no doubt that I'll be reading it again in a few years, too.

The story starts with a soon to be 15 year old girl (Sophie, natch) who gets involved with a mysterious teacher who imparts to her the world history of philosophy. From there, it switches to another character and oh, you just need to read it to appreciate it.

I found myself thinking, every time I put the book down after reading a bit, what an incredibly clever and well constructed book this is. Creative, informative, fantastical...I could make up more words but it's just that good.

If you're into expanding your knowledge base and appreciate an intriguing read, this is the book for you.

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