Happy Birthday to Steven!

It's Steven's birthday today. Unlike Crime Dog, I don't publicly display my kid's age because it makes it too easy for people to start doing the math on my age.

I called to wish him a Happy Birthday this morning and he was all bummed out. Not because of his birthday but because of his job. Long story short, he has employee issues to deal with today and he had planned to take the whole day off. He's worked 16 straight days and really needs a break.

I was sympathetic but them's the breaks when you manage a bunch of teenagers. They do sometimes do dumb stuff and you have to be the grownup and clean up after them.

He'll probably feel better when I drop his present and card off this afternoon. He bought himself the Calvin and Hobbes collection the other day and had asked me to pay him back for it as a birthday present. I told him, "Hell, no, that's over $100!"

Of course, I'm going to give him $100. Easiest birthday present I've ever bought.

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