Asking For The Job

T, Don King and I were talking today at work about job interviews. (Note to work people: none of us are looking for jobs!)

Don King told us about a guy who interviewed with him for an open position. He said the guy just didn't seem excited about it and that he never even followed up afterwards. He did not hire him.

T asked him, "Did he ask for the job?"

Apparently, T won't hire someone unless they specifically ask for the job. He rattled off some really nice wording that asked while sounding reasonable and wasn't pushy. Wish I could remember exactly what he said.

He would never hire me. I'm not good at asking for things and I wouldn't even know how to say it without sounding like some sort of overly aggressive type. I have said in interviews, "I'm really interested in this position and I think I would be a good fit for it." That's about as bold as I can be.

Sugar Daddy and I talked about it at lunch. He said he would think the candidate was presumptuous if he or she asked for the job at the end of an interview. His feelings are that there could be more candidates to interview, we always do follow up interviews so he couldn't answer that question affirmatively so the answer would always be "No".

I don't usually directly solicit comments but I'm curious.

Have you ever directly asked for a job? If so, did you get it?

Have you ever interviewed someone who specifically asked for the job? If so, did you give it to him/her?

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