It Was A Very Long Night

I got everyone settled in for a good night's sleep by 11 last night. My parents in my room with the dog, me on the couch, the cat under the couch and Steven who knows where because he wisely sought refuge elsewhere.

Spartacus decided it was safe to come out from under the couch at 1 AM. I know this because, in her desire to check out all of my patio, she kept moving the blinds and I woke to hear the click, click, click of them hitting against each other.

At 2 AM, she started exploring my dining room shelves. Picturing the shattered remains of my glass swizzle stick collection got me up so I could move them to safety.

3 AM found her climbing on the top of my TV.

Ya know, you think of cats as being quiet, stealthy creatures. Not Spartacus. She likes to rustle papers, meow loudly and knock crap over.

I managed to get back to sleep until about 5. That's when Shorty got up, turned on lights and the dog came out to touch me repeatedly with his wet nose.

Clearly, they don't think I need uninterrupted sleep.

Despite the electricity still not being on at their house, Shorty packed them all up and took them home this morning so they can all suffer in the heat while waiting for the city inspector.

I should have called in sick just to nap...

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