I'm Not The Only Mrs. Robinson

I found this article in today's Arizona Republic quite interesting.

It's about older women/younger men relationships and why they're becoming more prevalent. They took the words right out of my mouth in several places.

Now, I know there are exceptions to every generalization so don't jump on me here but, I believe:

Younger men are more fun. They're not necessarily looking for a serious relationship so they're more willing to just chill and play. I have no desire to get married but I would like to have someone to have fun with. And, not that I don't like kids, but they're less likely to have them. And ex-wives. It certainly makes things less complicated.

Younger men aren't threatened by an older woman's success. They're not competing for who makes the most money, has the biggest house, etc. and they don't feel the need to give well intentioned (but often unasked for) advice on career/life/purchases/etc. so they can feel superior/smarter/etc. The one thing a guy I'm dating can say to me that will immediately send me over the edge is, "Here's what you need to do..."

Some of the younger men's reasons for dating older women: they're more realistic about relationships, they're ahem more experienced and willing to teach and they're in better shape and look younger than their age (OK, I'm only good on one of those).

It's nice to know I'm not alone, I was just a trendsetter.

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