Movie Review - 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer

Man, I have way too much free time right now. Not a lot of club stuff, The Rocket Scientist's been unavailable and I'm going in early to work which means I'm out earlier and sitting home looking for things to entertain me. And, since we're in that between regular schedule TV and summer programming, there's not a lot of my usual shows to keep me occupied.

I can only read so many books...mostly because I'm not left alone to read anymore. It's a clear signal in kitten world that apparently indicates "bug the crap out of your owner" mode.

So, I've resorted to recording movies off of cable and catching up on what I missed in the theaters. I've also watched Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix twice in the last five days so I'm re-watching things, too.

Anywhoo, that was the long explanation as to why there are so many movie reviews and the background to explain how desperate I was for entertainment that I watched Rise of the Silver Surfer.

What a dumb movie. The jokes weren't funny, the plot was "eh" and the joy I felt at the death of Sue Storm was of course short lived since they couldn't possibly let her die.

I don't get Jessica Alba's allure besides as eye candy. They gave her unnatural blond hair so she looked white trashy then made her wear glasses to show that she was smart? And, please, in just 30 seconds she's going to have the Silver Surfer eating out of her hands? I think not. She spent most of the movie trying to look sympathetic and frustrated but just looked mopey to me.

Oh, and could the military have been any dumber? Let's see, trusting Doom...that was a good idea how?

While I can't say I actually feel dumber for watching this, I do think it was a complete waste of my huge chunk of free time.

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