
I can't take it anymore. I feel like Carl Spackler only my nemesis is a kitten. I can't drink, read, eat or work on the computer without a constant battle. My beverage and food is apparently more appealing than catnip, books are for lying on and chewing upon, the newspaper is for full body launching into and the computer is meant to be repeatedly walked on.

The breaking point this morning was when I had a waffle with peanut butter and jelly on it sitting on one of my little tables in the living room. There was a full launch from the floor a bounce off the table and a landing back on the floor. It was all in one move and it caused the waffle to hit the ground, fortunately peanut butter side up. We went for the time out on that one so I put her down in her room only to have her skedaddle out the door before I could close it.

Oh, no, she didn't!

Captured again, she spent some alone time while I finished my breakfast and checked my email.

Someone has to be the alpha around here and I'll be darned if I let a little furball be it. So, I got out the squirt bottle. A couple of loud No!" sounds combined with a spray of water later, she seems to have gotten it. At least, there's been no more jumping on the computer and I've also gotten her to stop scratching on the chair and the carpet.

I have a feeling that the battle of wills is just starting...and it's not going to be a short one.

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