Oh, The Horror!

I was literally trying to save George's life tonight. Ann had trimmed her claws the night I picked her up but they've grown out and they're very sharp. I'm currently on a path to not have them removed because I think it's inhumane.

Having said that, if she stabs me one more time through the comforter in the middle of the night she's going to get kicked across the room. I won't mean to because I'll be asleep when she does it and will be acting only on instinct. I don't think her tiny head will survive the impact when it hits the wall.

So, I stopped by PetSmart on the way home from work to stock up on toys and buy clippers. I was very leery about the whole process and quite worried that I was going to clip them too far. There were lots of warnings on all the clipper packages about that and that didn't help calm me at all. I somehow managed to not buy the $32 set that had infrared to show you when you were going to cut the quick. I ended up going middle of the road and getting clippers that came with a styptic applicator in case I did make her bleed.

I got home and played with her a while then tried to calm her down. Like that's possible since she's like a demon incarnate hepped up on diet pills and crack. First, I tried wrapping her in a towel to keep her under control. She slid out in no time and I soon realized the towel was better suited to protect my legs while I had her in my lap.

Did I mention the claws are sharp?

I finally had her pinned down and got a hold of one paw. Trying to talk to her in a low, soothing manner wasn't so easy when she was biting the hell out of my hand but I managed. We got through 9 nails (I missed one on a back paw but I didn't have the gumption to go back).

Oh, the crying and complaining! It was just pitiful. You would think I was trying to perform open heart surgery sans anesthetic on her.

I let her go and gave her a new toy as a reward for only breaking the skin on my hand once.

Does she have any painful issues? Nope, she was prancing around like nothing happened 10 seconds after I put her on the floor. However, she is keeping her distance from me and the laptop so I'm counting that as a small blessing. Maybe I should keep the clippers next to the laptop...

Oh, why more toys, you might be asking? She had a dozen or so and I've been parcelling out new ones as bribes to leave me alone when I'm trying to do something. They all disappeared. I've pulled several out from under the bed and the couch but they're not even going there now. I really don't know where they are. Black market, maybe? There are two cats living next door so it's possible.

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