Movie Review - Children of Men

This was a good flick. I've not read the book so I don't know if it was a good adaptation. My feeling is there was a lot of subtext and symbolism left out. Having said that, I liked this flick. Clive Owen was very good. His conflictions seemed sincere and he looked suitably anguished as the events unfolded.

The gist of the story is that the last baby born on earth was in 2009. The year is now 2027 and the planet seems to be a dismal, angry, hate-filled place. Owen's character gets talked into guiding a miraculously pregnant girl to a possibly mythical group operating outside of the government. They have to get through terrorist splinters and the militia and there are lots of not so subtle jabs at police states and xenophobia.

Michael Caine has a supporting role and he was fabulous as was the actress who played the girl.

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