Cool Idea

My Poker Chicks and I exchange ornaments every year. This year is actually the 10th Anniversary of that activity. Angela (who is our Sex in the City Charlotte) actually went back to verify that date and got an ornament with that written on it for this year.

The ornaments have ranged from very lame (but memorable) to really cool. The pressure to get the "best" one is big. Stacey usually nails it. This year, we had all nice ornaments and enjoyed a lovely evening at Lucy's Wine Cellar drinking vino and sampling appetizers. It was a good time.

There was a twist this year, though. Stacey came up with the idea of adding a new activity to our event. All of us have good jobs, homes, disposable income and are doing quite well financially compared to a lot of other people in the U.S. and around the world. She suggested as a way to give back, we each contribute a specific dollar amount (this year was $20 for $120 total) and donate it to a charity.

We let Stacey pick this year's and we're going to take turns going forward. One possibility for next year is adopting a family. It will clearly be more than $20 each but, if we plan ahead, we can budget for it.

Some statistic Stacey read/heard/believes (I'm not sure of the source since we were yapping all over the place) was that a good goal for charity contributions is 1% of your gross income. I know that some people can't afford that and others can afford a lot more but it seems like a good average.

Thinking about what I've given in 2008, I'm about at that amount. Being in a Parrot Head Club, you get lots of opportunities to donate to good causes and my work also provides options. I think I'll shoot for 1.5% next year. I don't have Sugar Daddy money but I can probably forego some beers at the bar for charity next year.

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