It's A Vast Conspiracy...Of Some Sort

It's a well established fact that if I get into the office before 9, I'm early. WELL established.

So, what are people doing? Scheduling frakking meetings for me right and left that are before 9.

One guy called an 8 AM meeting for Monday. Monday - 8 AM?!?! I called him and said, "Who the hell schedules a meeting at 8 on Monday morning?" Of course, he gets here at 6:30 it's no big deal to him. He did apologize and said it was the only time the calendar showed everyone as available.

Then, my boss scheduled an 8:30 meeting for this morning. I left my cozy bed early to get in here and 2 out of the 4 people that were supposed to be there were no-shows. That put me in a great mood as you can imagine.

Somehow, I have two more 8:30 meetings next week. I'm only working 4 days and I have to be in early for 3 of those. It's not right.

Also not right is the 11 AM meeting I have to go to on Monday. I thought it was an unwritten company policy not to schedule between 11 and 1 because people are off to lunch. Maybe I need to get it set as an official policy as Sugar Daddy is unhappy that we have to go to lunch late.

I either need to block my time until 9:30 then from 11-12 every day or be less indispensable...

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