They Know How To Party in Utah!

OK, back to my tales of Utah from two weekends ago...

We headed out from Park City down to Lumpy's in SLC for the party. BTW, we drove Sun City style. For those who don't know what that is, Sun City is a retirement community here and the men ride in the front and the women ride in the back regardless of the relationships of the people. I don't usually go that way - my thought is whomever belongs with the car gets the front but that's just me.

Anywho, I was really getting excited about surprising everyone. As we got near the bar, Noel called Lewie because she and Doug were right behind us. I don't think she noticed that Charlotte and I were in the back seat. I hid behind the car as they said hello to Lewie and Charlotte then made my appearance. It was great! They were suitably surprised.

We all walked into Lumpy's and headed down to the basement. There was a big exclamation from the folks who were already there. I thought it was for Lewie since he was the birthday boy but some of it was for me. I do love to make an entrance.

From then on the evening was a blur of trying to catch up with everyone in the place. I continued to sneak up on people to see the shocked looks. Fun! I think Bob Karwin had the biggest shocked look which could easily have been interpreted as "How far is this woman willing to go to stalk me?"

Apparently, he's not too concerned about deterring me since he gave me a replacement Karwin Koozie for the one I lost at Parrot Grande (and that he had given me at Phins). I told him that some person who was jealous that he gave me the koozie took it in a fit of pique...or that I lost it in a drunken stupor. He voted for the latter theory. It's a safe bet.

I got to meet some new people which is always awesome and introduced The Rocket Scientist to more folks than he'll ever remember. He and Charlotte seemed to be having a fine time holding down our table while Lewie and I wandered. I'm glad they had each other - maybe Charlotte should come to all of our parties.

It was really a great night and well worth freezing my tail (and other extremities) to be there. I hope they don't hold their breath for next year's holiday party visit to frozen tundra a decade is about the right pace for me.

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