Just What I Needed - Another New Obsession

Sugar Daddy's been telling me I should get on Facebook. He's reconnected with several pals from his past and said the social aspect is right up my alley. I was thinking that the last thing I need is another online site to keep updated.

But, then Andy asked if I was on there. Gary said he was on there, too. And, Noel told me it was a great way to keep connected with more distant family. The final push came from my buddy Steve who moved back East this year.

Who am I to argue with all those people?

So, I signed up and started looking for Friends. I also filled out my profile (it still needs some tweaking) and uploaded pictures of George. Oh, and I got some flair.

I think I spent three hours out there tonight when I should have been wrapping presents. I finally got those done, though. I had to lock George up in her room to do so. She was being a huge pain in the backside.

So, if you're on Facebook, look me up and let's be friends.

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