
I was talking to some new(ish) members, Leslie and Steve, of the club at our Holiday party on Saturday. Steven joined our conversation and I asked them if they'd met my son yet.

They were utterly flabbergasted. "No, that can't be your son?" "You can't possibly be old enough!"

All that music to my ears. It was awesome!

A little later, Steve asked Steven how old he was then said he thought I was in my late 20s. Steven told him to tell me that because I would love it. He did and I did.

Not being satisfied with all that, I asked Tracy and Scott to guess how old The Rocket Scientist is. They guessed 48 and 49. For the record, he's 38. I think he looks about his age and I don't necessarily want people to think he's 10 years older than he is. I just want them to think he looks older than I do.

I me shallow.

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