Thirsty Thursday at Cork

Stacey suggested we all gather at a new(ish) restaurant in their neighborhood, Cork, for one of their events called Thirsty Thursday. The deal is a flat rate of $25 for tastings of five wines and a series of appetizers.

It's a really nice looking place but it's fracking far, on Alma School and Chandler Heights. Not that far from where I lived with Sugar Daddy but, man, it was a brutal drive. I was more than ready for some vino by the time I got there.

Tina was our wine person for the evening and she knew her stuff. We got to pick our five tastings from a selection and the girls all went for reds and I did all white. Tina steered us to some great selections. Stacey bought two bottles and Chris bought one as well so they clearly liked the wines.

I missed the first appetizer because traffic held me up. (Man, I think if I still lived out there I would need to be on mood drugs. That drive was so incredibly painful.) The second was a fig wrapped in bacon and stuffed with blue cheese. The blue cheese was a little too strong for me. The next one was potato and leek soup. Yummy! I would order that in a heartbeat. The last one was phyllo stuffed with chicken, curry and bok choy. I'm far from being a curry fan but I thought it was pretty good.

Tina said they usually do a theme night and there might be a Bubbles one coming up. I'll just need to leave work really, really early so traffic doesn't sour my mood before I get there.

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