Rain, Rain Go Away!

I love sun. I don't love rain. In fact, more than one day of rain in a row is too much. Not that we don't need the water because all of the water going through George's squirt bottles alone is causing a mini-drought. But, it's not that it's depressing or even that it makes it especially cold that I don't like it.

It's that no one can frakking drive in this town if it's raining!

And, I am amazed, not by that fact, but because I forget it every time. It starts to drizzle and I should immediately add 10 minutes to my drive time but I don't and then I get irritated at both myself and the other drivers.

It took me 60 minutes to make my 9 mile drive home on Monday night. Part of that was due to McClintock being closed south of University (that happens to be my corner so it was hard to avoid the mess). But, the 202 was a parking lot until I got to McClintock so that didn't help.

Last night, it took me 40 minutes to make the same drive. No accidents, nothing to indicate any reason for the slowdown, just people afraid to go over 20. On the freeway...

My usual drive time? About 20 minutes in heavy traffic.

If it weren't for the pretty rainbows, I would completely hate the rain.

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