Reflections and Resolutions

I've had the chance to be reminded of a lot of great times this past year due to reviewing photos both for a scrapbook I'm making for my parents and also to decide what to put up on Facebook. I find myself unable to scan quickly through a set of pictures because I want to mentally relive the memories. There were some truly wonderful moments in 2008.

I would trade all of them, and more, to have my friend Eric back with us. I think about him every day and I know I'm not alone in that.

I'm not one of those people who is into sending those mass emails about "treasure every moment" and "you're special to me" (though I do appreciate people thinking of me when they send them out) but there's something to be said for the sentiment.

I'm always so focused on the next task, the next party or the next trip that I don't fully experience or appreciate the moment that I'm currently in. A moment that I'll never get back. A moment spent with someone who may not be with me as long as I would like them to be.

So, resolution number 1 for 2009. Try to fully enjoy the "now".

Another thought that's been going through my mind these past few days is thinking about how much time and energy I wasted in 2008 fretting about other people and their actions. I don't mean worrying about their well-being but letting what they do or say irritate me, frustrate me and sometimes full out piss me off.

Let's face it. Sometimes people are thoughtless. I know I certainly can be. They say or do something the raises your blood pressure and they have no idea why. It happens. The best thing is to just say, "Hey, this made me feel…" and let them explain. Very Dr. Phil, I know. I'm not so good at doing that, though.

Sometimes people are just plain mean. They know full well that what they're doing is hurtful or going to piss you off and they do it anyway. They may just not care how you feel or they may be deliberately yanking your chain to get a reaction. Man, I can't even count the hours of 2008 that I spent reacting and fuming and trying to understand this group. That's time I could have spent in so many other more productive ways.

So, resolution number 2 for 2009. Get the full story before getting ticked off and shake off the crap that was deliberate. That's sort of two resolutions in one but they go together for me.

I'm sure I'll have to remind myself many, many times to follow both resolutions but even meeting them part of the time will be good.

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