Book Review - China Lake

China Lake (Evan Delaney, #1)China Lake by Meg Gardiner

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I saw an email from one of my bookstores that Gardiner was doing a signing so I decided to check her out. I love finding an existing series that I can plow through non-stop. I hate having to wait for the next book.

This was good. Evan Delaney is a lawyer and author with a hot but damaged boyfriend and custody of her nephew while her Navy pilot brother is stationed away. A crazy cult (is there a non-crazy cult) makes it appearance and one of its members is her future ex-sister-in-law. The cult is after her nephew and has murderous plans against the government.

Lots of action and violence in this one with a healthy disrespect for police authority as the cops are portrayed mostly as inept jackasses so it's up to Evan and crew to save the day.

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