Technology Rocks!

Me and Bob in Jeff's basement. It's a small world with technology.

So, I was checking out Facebook tonight when I got a message from my friend Bob asking if I had a camera then he went into a rather strange explanation of how he didn't mean for that to sound weird. Huh. Well, it kinda did.

Turns out, he's visting our friend Jeff in Pennsylvania so he wanted to do a video chat. A simple download from Google on my part and we were able to connect.

What fun!

We chatted for quite a while and it was delightful. I only see Bob at boy poker and I don't get to see Jeff much anymore (cuz he now lives in PA) so it was nice to just shoot the breeze. It was also very nice to hear Bob talk about his new job. He's excited and I love that for my friends.

As we were chatting, Jeff took a picture of us and sent it to me. Lesson learned, don't try to go into Google+ while doing a video chat in Google because your chat gets cut off.

I need to do more video. I do a fair bit of online texting but video adds a warmth to the conversation that makes you feel more connected to the person.


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