Big Fat Losers

I have to give my company credit, they really do care about the employees' health around there. They've had several weight loss programs onsite, built a gym, held smoking cessation classes and give us mini-checkups twice a year on our cholesterol, sugar and body fat.

The latest activity to encourage us to be healthy is a Biggest Loser contest. Teams of four employees will weigh in once a month for six months and the percentage weight loss for the group will determine the winners. No one sees your weight except for the outside company running the contest, not even your team members. The group with the biggest loss at three months will get $100 per member and the winners at six months get $500 each. That's a pretty good incentive.

My buddy Dave decided to put together a team and T, Sugar Daddy and I joined him. Based on the other teams I've heard about, we have the most total poundage to lose. But, it's the percentage that matters.

We've spent an inordinate amount of time on coming up with a team name. Dave suggested Get Off the Couch Potatoes which I liked. Lon suggested Stop Eating So Much You Fat Bastards. T said that left me out and suggested a /Bitch on the end of that. I told him, "Fat bastard sounds kind of funny, fat bitch, not so much." Clearly, that was out. We ended up with one that's tied to one of our corporate programs for the year, ESS. It stands for Eliminate, Simply & Standardize. We're going with Eat Smarter, Stupid.

It's funny to see how people are gearing up for the first weigh-in on April 1. Some people are "bulking up" by eating all the bad stuff they can find. Sugar Daddy wants to go to all of the restaurants that we'll probably be eliminating from the lunch rotation come next week. We've been to Windy City Sliders and Rosita's, he and Dave went to Sugar Bowl today and we're all going to TexAZ grill on Monday. They're getting chicken fried something but I'll probably have a nice, big piece of very rare cow. That's one of the few places that will (not) cook my steak the way I like it.

I've actually been trying to ease into a healthy eating pattern. I started drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day (ugh, it's so unappealing). I also broke out the Weight Watcher's books and I shopped for low point items yesterday so I'd be fully stocked up on "good" stuff. It's really an easy plan to follow…if you just follow it.

Incredibly enough, I only had one beer last night. The Rocket Scientist actually stopped in his tracks on his way to the kitchen when I said "I was good" when he asked me if I wanted another. I don't think he's ever actually seen me turn down a beer. Of course, this doesn't mean I'm going to turn into the DD. I'll just be saving my points for going out.

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