I Think This Makes Me a Dork

I logged some computer time last night updating the Parrot Grande registration process for this year. As part of that, I had to test out various event registration types and volunteer options.

When I'm just registering as one person, I generally just use Kathy for the first name and P as the last. Or, I'll use "test" in both fields.

If I'm testing registration for two people, though, I fill in real names (for the most part). Last night, I signed up as Kathy Pfister for person one and George Clooney as person two. Then, because I was getting confused at to what I had tested last, I switched over to Kathy Johnson and Jimmie Johnson. Jimmie and I ended up with badge names of Kathy's Boy and Jimmie's Girl, BTW.

I'm not sure why I felt compelled to use Jimmie's last name and not George's. I also have a test customer account at work under Jimmie's name with Kathy Johnson as a contact name. No George account, though. Guess it all just shows my not so secret true inner desires.

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