Vegas Tales

I figured since I'm off to Vegas tomorrow, I better get my last trip posted before I go. I've been slacking because work has been heck and I've had my usual social activities to keep the non-work hours full. I need a vacation!

So, let me start the stories with a personal highlight. One that will make some people say, "Oh brother, there she goes again. I can't wait for this to stop happening."

You may have guessed it...I got carded!!!

Ashley and I were having dinner at Margaritaville after a long day at the track. We both ordered sodas to start. I was in total caffeine withdrawal and Ashley, well, teenagers don't have much choice in what they can drink.

We were chatting with our waiter who was from Utah and had lived in Arizona, too. We were getting along quite well, actually. I ordered a Miller Lite with dinner and he said the magical words, "Can I see your ID?"

Hell, yes, you can see my ID!

I handed my driver's license to him and he was visibly shocked then started apologizing profusely. "I'm sorry, I had no idea you were born then...." All the good stuff I love to hear! I told him, "Don't worry and you can ask for my ID any time you want." As soon as he walked away, I had my phone out and was sending a text message to Sugar Daddy, The Rocket Scientist and Unruly Julie telling them the news.

But wait, that's not all.

The next day we were back at the track and I ordered a beer from one of the stands. I got carded again! They had signs up that said they would card anyone under 30. I can totally live with that. Another text message was sent, BTW.

Now, I've since been told that I shouldn't be surprised at those events because I was traveling with a teenager. If that's the case, I'm going to hire one to go one all of my trips with me!

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