Ka Was Kinda Blah

I'm not a musical person. I just find it ridiculous that people are talking then suddenly decide to break out into song. Dumb.

So, what did I end up seeing in Vegas? A show where they don't even talk at all.

Ka is a Cirque du Soleil show. It had lots of movement and music and they chittered and yelled a lot to get the story line across. It's a pretty basic one. Twin Prince and Princess get attacked and separated then try to get back together while a love story for the Prince develops. Oh, and apparently the bad guy is a wizard.

I give them props for the pre-show entertainment. They have "villagers" working the crowd while also helping people find their seats. It was a nice way to provide interaction while waiting for the show start.

The opening scene was great. Lots of cool acrobatic moves that were incredibly coordinated. The set was nifty, too. There was a huge platform that was in motion most of the time. I liked watching it just to see what was next. Costumes weren't bad either.

However, I didn't walk out of there with any feeling of awe or wow. I didn't feel like it was a waste of time but I didn't think it was a great use of my time, either.

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