
I was talking to a good friend of Mark Mulligan's last night, Susan. She's working with him on a great organization called Castaway Kids. I told her I had learned from her assistant last year that she's from Wisconsin and said I was, too. Of course, we had to share with each other how sad we were that Favre retired.

She then told me a great story.

Apparently, Marcos Mulligan has become a huge Packers fan. He knows the scores from the games, recalls specific plays and says to Mark, "Can we go play Brett Favre?" when he wants to play football. Susan got both Marcos and Luis #4 t-shirts that they love.

She then followed with the fact that San Diego is now a very distant second favorite team and said, "Take that, Gary Seiler." She was kinda joking.

I was all like, "You tell him, Sistah!" I was not so much joking.

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