Did That Just Happen?

I went to the grocery store after work and had too many bags to carry in on one trip. Some of the time, I close my trunk between trips but I didn't tonight. It's probably less than 100 steps between the car and my front door so it's not like I'm away for long.

As I walked back out, I saw two guys walking down the back alley where I park. One of the guys said, "Hi" and I instinctively said "Hi" back. I am friendly after all.

Then I noticed he was carrying a six pack of 12 Oz. Diet Pepsis. I asked, "Did you just take that out of my trunk?" And he said, "Yes, ma'am." And just kept walking. By that point, he was probably 40 feet away and by the time I got to my car to verify that it was my soda, he was another 20 feet down the road.

A lot of options when through my head at that point. Yell, "Hey fucker, give it back!" Hop in my car and chase them down. Call 911. Do nothing.

I figured the first two were just asking for more trouble. If someone's going to be ballsy enough to take stuff out of your car and admit it, they're probably not going to just give it back. And, there were two of them to my one. Finally, I'm not willing to fight over $4 of soda.

If the cops would even come out on a petty theft deal like that, those guys would have been long gone by the time a squad could get there. I guess I could give them a report and a description but I've never seen them before and they were pretty average looking.

I'm going with nearly nothing. I'll give my neighbors a heads up on it and I'll close the trunk from now on.

After writing the above, I also did call the Police department (not 911) and asked them if they wanted a report or what I should have done. They said since it was 10 minutes ago there wasn't much use in filling out a report but they would take it if I wanted to. The woman I talked to said she probably wouldn't bother but that if something like that happened again, to call 911 right away and they would try to track the guys down.

Good to know. I hope it never happens again and I'm still stunned that it happened at all

Fucker. I hope karma bites him in the ass very soon.

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