October Tasks Me

I know I'm often whining about how busy I am but, damn, I'm really busy. Like wanting to hide in my bedroom and rock back in forth in the dark to escape the busy.

What's up? Well, October is always Jimmy Buffett in Vegas month. And, we always get the tickets in hand very late thanks to the venue. Because I'm the ticket coordinator for the club, that means I get lots of emails asking when we're going to get our tickets and explaining that I just don't know.

Once I get the tickets, it's a mad rush to divvy them up then hand them out. I really only have time to do one hand out this year so a lot of people are going to get them mailed to them.

The reason I don't have a lot of time is that we charter a bus to go to Vegas. The tickets need to get to the non-bus riders because I'm not going to try to meet up with people on concert weekend. It's too stressful.

Oh, did I mention I'm in charge of the bus? Yeah, this is also the time when I send out the "you haven't paid for the bus yet" emails along with the "here's how the bus will work" emails. Most people who haven't paid pony up but I still get messages from others "Did I sign up for the bus?" Well, yeah, you did and that's why I've been emailing you about it. I did make a goof this year and added someone to the bus list who wasn't going. I think he just ignored my bus email and I only found my mistake out when he asked me to mail his ticket to him.

Then there's the last minute JB concert in Phoenix on October 20. Smack dab in the middle of the two Vegas shows and it was the usual "you have to get your numbers in ASAP". We actually had a little more time than we did for previous shows but it was still chaotic. Everyone was really good about getting their money in for this show, thankfully.

But, there's another set of tickets to distribute and, again, I'm handing them out early. Work is so busy right now that I'm not 100% sure I'll make the show, let alone get there early enough to hand out tickets that day. I'm hoping all goes well and I can take the full day off for fun but I'm not counting on it.

There's also a club charity poker tournament that I'm doing the RSVPs for, printing the certificates and getting the first place prize. That one is actually not so bad of a time sucker. It's just getting to the mall to get the prize that stresses me out.

Once we get through the JB show drama, it will be time to head for Key West for the annual Parrot Head Convention. That's always a lot of fun but it's a lot of scheduling. Despite the stereotypical view of Parrot Heads, we do more than just drink and party. There are several meetings to attend and I'm the Registration Assistant so some hours to put in at that job. We have 3,500 people attending so that's a lot of goodie bags to hand out and wristbands to put on.

So, what does this rant say about me?

That my stress is all self induced because I volunteer for all of these tasks. And, that I must really love my Parrot Head world because I keep coming back for more. The ultimate rewards from spending time with my friends and doing good deeds makes it all worth it.

At least, I'll think that way come November.


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