Book Review - Lunatics

Lunatics: A NovelLunatics: A Novel by Dave Barry
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Damn, I wish I were creative enough to pull out a story that's as funny and outrageous as this one. A series of increasingly implausible events lead to the hysterical adventures of two guys from New Jersey. Rude and crude Jeffrey Peckerman and peaceful and kind Philip Horkman find themselves on the run after the authorities believe they tried to blow up the George Washington Bridge. That incident came about because of a lemur and a diabetic's insulin pump and it just got more outrageous from there.

Told in alternating chapters from the point of view of each man, the story has lots of potty humor, violence and general mayhem. It's also a brilliant satire on the politics of the world.

I laughed a lot.

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