
I have 14 meetings on my work calendar on Monday through Thursday this week. I don't know why no one's booked up Friday yet but it's only a matter of time. Usually, I would just stay late to get my non-meeting shit done but I can't because I have something every night this week. And, this weekend. And, going into next week.

Here's the social schedule:
Monday - stop by the parents' to say good-bye to my Aunt who went back to Milwaukee today
Tuesday - host book club at my house
Wednesday - meeting an old bookseller friend
Thursday - getting my free beer from Eileen who won our Fantasy Football league
Friday - club happy hour
Saturday - party in Tucson
Sunday - lunch with chick poker gang
Monday - dinner with my friend Cheryl

The thing is, I wouldn't want to miss any of those events so I'm not complaining. I'm just anticipating being very tired.

I do have to admit that I am slightly bemused with myself that I continually schedule myself so that I have so little free time. I guess that's the price one pays for being a social butterfly.


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