Book Review - The Power of One

This was a book club book. Most of the folks didn't finish it but I read it all in one day. I thought it was awesome!

There's a movie but it is quite different than the book. From the comments made by my friends who experienced both, the book is way better.

The story is about a young boy growing up in South Africa, starting right before WW II. He's a minority in two ways: he's White and he's of English descent, not Dutch who are the White overlords of South Africa. Somehow, he builds an incredible life as he grows to manhood, pursues his dream to become the welter-weight boxing champion of the world and becomes a symbol of inspiration for the suppressed Blacks.

I didn't read the author's (Bryce Courtenay) biography until I was done because I was going to be very disappointed if he hadn't had experience with the times and events of South Africa and Apartheid. He did - turned out he lived there during his formative years.

Absolutely great book - I can't recommend it more highly.

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