I Hope They Went Shopping This Year

I'm leaving work early tomorrow to head up to Christopher Creek and spend the weekend carousing at this place.

God help them if they haven't stocked up on Miller Lite this year. I will not be amused and there might even be something approaching a hissy fit occurring. OK, not really, because I'm not Confrontation Girl.

I have a 30 pack ready to go with me just in case they prove to be lame as usual. I'll just carry in my own beers and to hell with them.

They better have food, though. My posse was all about cooking and eating together and I was more thinking I'd have a bagel for breakfast, maybe some licorice for a snack then I'd be eating at The Landmark the rest of the time. They're supposed be having beer butt chicken this year (which is awesome) and a steak dinner thing on Saturday. Hopefully, they will know how to cook (or not cook, in reality) my piece of cow.

Regardless of how lame they might be at the restaurant, it will be great to see my friend, Mark Mulligan. Now that he lives in Mexico full time, I don't get to spend nearly enough time with him. I can't wait to sit by the campfire (or, in reality, the campfire pit since we probably won't be able to have a fire) and shoot the shit with him.

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