It's That Time of Year Again...

It's been almost a year since I wrote this.

Mosquito season has started and, though I dodged the West Nile bullet last year, that just means my luck is going to run out at some point. I got completely munched on some time over the weekend. I thought it may have been while I washed my car on Sunday (futile time and money wasting exercise since the wind gods dropped buckets of dust on it this week) since I found the bites on Monday.

Lots of bites. All over both legs and feet. Which just meant that my skirt or shoes rubbed up against various bites throughout the day, activating the itch and I spent a lot of time scratching. I know, I shouldn't scratch. Sugar Daddy yells at me every time but I think we all know by now that I have zero willpower about some things.

Last night, I found even more bites! And the culprits. From the corner of my eye, I saw a little bugger in my bathroom. The bastards have invaded my house! That's what I get for trying to let in some fresh air. No more of that. The bathroom resident's brother is living in my bedroom. Or was...I think I may have smacked him but only after he took another serving of A positive out of my leg.

They're going to be fogging in two different areas near my house over the weekend. Hopefully, that kills them and doesn't just serve as an incentive to move to a nicer my house. I already have enough problems with bathroom boy.

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