I Shower Every Day, I Swear!

I've written about how hard it was to schedule drinks with some of my girlfriends. I thought it was a combination of our schedules causing issues but, maybe it's me. I don't think I smell...

My neighbor works nights but has Thursdays off. We talked about getting together last Thursday for some wine - wasn't written in stone but implied. I left a note on her door to come on over but she didn't. I ran into her later in the week at the mailbox and she apologized and said she'd had a friend come in from out of town. No biggie, we rescheduled for last night. I got home to a message on my machine. She'd been called into work on her night off - for the first time ever!

Then, there's this woman at work. We've scheduled lunch countless times. Either she forgets and makes other plans or something comes up and she can't make it. It's been going on for months. At this point, I just find it amusing. And, since she's the one who wants to do lunch to discuss a project of sorts, it's no biggie to me.

However, if this continues I might just get a complex. Or, change my deodorant.

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