Book Review - Twelve Sharp

I readily admit my OCD tendencies and one of the stronger ones is that I hate putting a good book down until it's done.

Twelve Sharp is a good book.

I started reading around 10:30 last night and finished up around 1:30 this morning. I did look at the clock several times and contemplated going to sleep but sleep was not nearly as compelling as finishing the book.

Sometimes, series tend to get old and the characters stale. Not so in this series. Stephanie, while still far from the best bounty hunter around, is getting better at her job. There are always new characters who add to the story and the recurring characters have stories of their own so it's not always just about Stephanie, Joe and Ranger.

Hmmmmm, Ranger.

The summary: Ranger becomes a nationally wanted man after it's reported that he kidnapped his daughter from her Mother and Stepfather. Stephanie hides him out and helps him in his quest to clear his name and rescue the girl. Along the way, we have the expected, and entertaining, funeral home stories, Lulu and Grandma shenanigans, less than stellar skip captures and we learn more about Ranger.

Hmmmmm, Ranger.

Evanovich does a great job of balancing the humor (lots of stun gunning (trust me, it's funny), Stephanie falling down, Stephanie getting tackled, Lulu busting out of her clothes, etc.) with a mystery that has a very menacing feel about it. You don't ever expect that Stephanie's going to be killed off at any moment but you also don't expect she'll emerge from her adventures fully unscathed, either.

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