My Son, The Drama Queen

Steven wanted to come over and use my laptop to look for a house to rent. He and two of his buddies (and several dogs) are all looking to get a place together...and they need it by the end of June. At least he's not waiting for the very last minute.

I made him a deal. He could use my laptop if he helped me with a project. The Arizona Parrot Heads have been collecting items for the troops overseas. The guy who's been doing the packing and mailing went on vacation so I said I'd collect the items and mail them while he was gone. What a sucker I am. I had bags and bags of stuff to pack. It was a bit overwhelming, to be honest, but I got started on it and Steven agreed to help me in return for the laptop use.

Oy vey. He's so frakking dramatic! He put three items in a box, leaving plenty of open space, and then threw a fit when I suggested he could get more in. At one point, he got so frustrated trying to fit items in that he threw a pen on the floor. Then there were the several "F$#*#" when he hurt his finger (apparently, he had a cut on his thumb that he kept aggravating).

He also is one of the few people in the world that's louder than I am. I'm constantly telling him, "You realize we're inside the house, right?" I think I may have mentioned it a few times tonight.

And, oh, the fireworks when I asked him to slice the scallions for dinner (more on that later). He acted like he had no idea what to do, how to do it and there was some dramatic hand gesturing and utensil throwing throughout the process.

We ended up getting all of the stuff packed and he went home to do laundry. I was sorry to see him leave - the show is so entertaining when he's around.

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