Choking...can't breathe...being poisoned...

Another fact that won't surprise anyone who knows me...I'm not so good with cleaning the oven. I mean, I only use it like once a month so what's the point?

Well, the point is that I had something overflow in it a few months ago and it's been a 50/50 chance that it will set off the smoke alarm when I use it ever since.

So, I decided to use the Self Clean option tonight. I put in the setting, locked the oven door and headed back to my laptop on the dining room table. All is good, right?

Well, not so much. As as I was sitting here typing, I realized that my eyes were burning and I was coughing. It was like the air had become filled with poisonous chemicals. All coming from my kitchen despite the fact that I had the range fan turned on to high.

WTF? I thought self clean just meant it got super hot and vaporized the gunk in the oven. I didn't realize that it created gas that could be used as a chemical warfare agent.

Of course, once you start the self clean, you're stuck riding it out for four hours. So, I'm now sitting at my dining room table with the front and back doors open and 111 degree air coming inside. At least it seems to be pushing out the poisonous fumes.

I really don't belong in the kitchen...

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