Parrots in the Pines - Friday

I really wanted to leave work Friday at 1. The plan was to drive home, pack the cooler and be on the road by 1:30 or 1:45 at the latest. Of course, I got stuck with something and couldn't bail until 2:30 and I felt guilty about leaving.

I was now 1 1/2 hours behind my self-imposed schedule and very unhappy. I think I packed everything up in a record 10 minutes to try to catch up. Mapquest said it would take me 1 hour and 51 minutes to get to Christopher Creek and I was determined to get there sooner and afternoon traffic was not going to stand in my way.

Mapquest is a liar. Or, it assumes everyone drives like a NASCAR driver. I went like a bat out of hell with no stops and made it to Greyhackle in 1 hour and 47 minutes. If I'd driven the speed limit, I would have been at least 15 minutes later.

A digression of sorts. What is up with some people? There was a clump of us all going up a pretty steep hill on a two lane highway when this fifth-wheeler decides it needs to pass the car in front of it. It pulled into the left lane and proceeded to match the pace of the car it was trying to pass for what seemed like frigging forever but was probably about 4 or 5 miles. Helloooooo! You're holding up everyone else, you idjit!

Anyway, I got to Greyhackle and checked in with the new owners. Nice folks. I then popped open a beer and went to join Moose, Carol, Stan, Rochelle, Wood-Eye and Alexis for a spell but before I could even settle, Moose announced we were off to the Landmark. Oh well, so much for relaxing. I dumped my stuff in my cabin and caught a ride with Pimp Daddy and Karen who had come in right behind me.

Mark was in the bar when we got there and I gave him a big hug from me and a hug and kiss (on the cheek, nothing you wouldn't give your Grandpa) from Sheila. Karen and I bellied up to the bar to get some drinks. I nearly had to wrestle her to pay for the first round.

The key phrase of the weekend was "We're at the Landmark." The subtext of the statement was, "Expect it to be effed up somehow." This anecdote is the first example of why we kept reminding ourselves of that.

I ordered a bottle of Miller Lite for me and a pitcher of Bud Light for Pimp Daddy and Karen. As we were waiting for the barkeep to fulfill the order, I noticed that they didn't have Bud Light on tap and that the guy was pouring a pitcher of Miller Lite instead. I flagged him down and told him he had it backwards. Since they didn't have Bud Light on tap, Karen said they'd take Miller Lite so I told him to just make it two pitchers of Miller Lite. He looked like he understood but then he brought me a bottle of Bud Light.

We finally got it straight and the total bill was $7. For two big pitchers of beer. We both knew it wasn't right and I even asked him if he was sure on that price and he said he was. Okey-dokey, thanks for the bargain! Just another reason the Landmark probably makes no money.

While I was inside, I asked the barkeep if the waitresses were going to take food orders outside. He said, "I see no reason why they won't". Um, yeah, that didn't really answer the question.

Mark and Ray started their set and did their Amy thing which, I have to admit, embarrassed me greatly. I really felt bad about hurting Mark's feelings last year but he appears to be over it since he's ribbing me now. There were lots of comments throughout the weekend about would or wouldn't make the blog. Hey, I might get some new readers out of it so it's all good.

There were a couple of tables on the deck where the guys were playing. One table got food and drink service right away. The second table eventually got food and drink service. The third table pretty much got ignored. You can guess which table I was at. The waitress finally came around while I was inside getting more beer for us and Rocket Man, fearing she would never return to get my order, came running inside to confirm my meal choice. That was nice.

A lot of us ordered the all you can eat fish fry. It was really, really good. They gave me 5 huge fillets and there was no way I could eat it all. It was a good thing I got served when I did because the folks who got there at 7 were told there was no more food available.

Helpful hint. When it's an all you can eat deal, start out with 2 or maybe 3 fillets. Most people will stop there and the food will last longer. Again, another reason that they probably make no money and pretty much what we've come to expect.

The music was great and Wood-Eye charmed the crowd on the Vibra-Slap. Donna got loosened up to play the tambourine with the boys and Rocket Man did some stellar uke work.

However, I have to say that I think I was the percussion star of the evening. Yep, the all white, no rhythm girl is an idiot savant on the Vibra-Slap. I love it. You don't really have to keep time, just hit it at the end of the sentence. At one point, I hit it, Mark gave me a look and I thought ,"Oh no!" He really doesn't like having folks with no rhythm playing with him. Turns out, he was just amazed at how I hit it at just the right moment. As a matter of fact, he went on and on about how good I was. Wonder if he'll let me play on his next CD?

Would that I had some of that talent when it comes to dancing. I pretty much suck at it. Lou taught me the simple two step and I was doing okay and feeling like I was getting it. Until I danced with Tipsy Tommy who decides to take random steps and twirls. He completely screwed me up. He didn't look much smoother with Julia so I felt better knowing that it wasn't all me being the klutz.

Ray had a moment that cannot be left unmentioned. He'd written a new song about a tea towel that had a nautical map and symbols on it that was in his kitchen while he was growing up and it inspired him to think about the sea. Quite sweet, actually and it took me a while to get the tune out of my head. Probably because, after singing the first verse, he completely forgot the second and he and Mark just kept playing the same piece of music over and over and over and over. He finally called it quits and promised to play the whole tune later.

After the set, Mark's posse started breaking down the equipment and Mark promised to be back at Greyhackle within the next half hour. No one believed him, of course. I hitched a ride back with Louie, Donna, Sharon and Steve. Really, I'm not lazy. There are lots of wild critters like snakes and bears and such and it's scary to walk in the dark. OK, I am lazy but there were actual "Beware of bears" signs around.

Getting a ride meant I missed a classic moment in the making. Some of the gang was walking back when Tipsy Tommy lagged behind. Carol said he looked like he was getting drunker with every step. Those shots of Crown were probably not a good idea. Anyway, he decided to answer the call of nature on the side of the road. Never mind the cars with their headlights on him going by. Julia tried to hurry him up and uttered the now oft-quoted (and possibly misquoted since I was never sure of what was exactly said) line:

I just can't make that boy come.

You can just imagine how having a wife say that about her hubbie went over with our crowd.

Tipsy was quick to hit the sack when we got back to Greyhackle and some of us waited settled around the 'no fires allowed' fire pit to wait for Mark. In true Mark fashion, his 1/2 hour turned into more like 1 and 1/2. Some of the gang had already given up on him and gone to bed. We all hung out until after 2 and spent a lot of time making fun of Mark for being cold and for other things that I can't write because I have to protect the innocent sometimes.

I think I hit the sack about 2:30 and I was glad I didn't have a roommate since I just let my clothes lay where they fell and jumped into the sack. It had been a long day...

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