Serenity, Now!!!

I just got home from a girls only, $5 buy-in No Limit Texas Hold 'Em evening.




It's a wonder I didn't kill anyone.

They are a bunch of ADD, yapping, chaotic acting, poker neophytes. You know, I can live with the folks who are asking about the size of the bet. I can live with the people who ask if the action is on them. I can even live with the people who go in on iffy hands.

I don't think I can live with this group.

It was a constant struggle to get them to play in turn, to realize that it was indeed their turn and to get them to not comment on the hand when they were out of it. Oh, and I can't even count how many times the entire game stopped, for many minutes, because they were yacking about something.

I kept reminding myself that it was only $5. Cassie kept telling me to have some more wine. Neither of those tips helped much.

The killer was when I got pocket 9s and made big bets before the flop, after the flop and went all in after the turn with a straight and flush draw. I managed to chase out all but one player. She was debating calling and even asked me if I would show her my cards if she folded. Sensing weakness, I told her I would.

Just as she was ready to fold, Andrea said to her "How would you feel if you folded?"


My poker life is on the line and someone not even in the pot is talking someone into calling me. Oh, and that someone talking? She's someone I work with who needs me way more than I need her.

The other player called and had managed to get two Queens on the flop which held up.

I was the first person out. Sigh.

Andrea is going to very, very much. Just wait until she says to me next week, "I need your help." Yeah, she's screwed.

I, however, wasn't all that unhappy about going out. At least I didn't have to pay attention to what was, or was not, going on. I sat back and drank some more vino and tried to just be amused. A challenge, to be sure, since they continued to yap before, during and after all hands. If it weren't for accelerated blinds by time limit, we'd still be there. I think they may have averaged 2 hands every 15 minutes. Oy.

We're supposed to play next month. I haven't checked my PDA yet but I'm sorta hoping I have something planned for that night.

I'm really too young to be spending the rest of my life in prison for a murder conviction.

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