Busy, Busy, Busy!

It's October Madness around here, thanks to Jimmy Buffett.

I spent an hour Sunday dividing up the Vegas concert tickets for this Saturday and next. Tonight, I'm hanging out in the bar at a local restaurant to hand out tickets to people. I know, it's really not unusual nor a burden for me to hang out in a bar. Nor for my friends since several are coming to keep my company.

But, I've got tons of other things to do. I need to clean my house since I'm having company on Thursday. I'm going straight from work to the airport Thursday afternoon then a bunch of us are going to Margaritaville for dinner.

Friday morning will find us at the Babes' house getting ready to ride the Jello-Shot Express bus to Vegas. That will be an early morning since the bus is supposed to get there at 7 AM and we're picking up The Rocket Scientist and getting McDonalds before we get there.

Sometime before Friday, I need to assemble the Jello-Shot Contest prize bags, make something up for the bus virgins to wear, do laundry and pack, pack a cooler for the bus, make my football picks, pick up name tags for the bus riders, figure out what movies to show on the bus ride home…I'm sure I'm forgetting something on that list.

Once we hit Vegas, I have to pass out a bunch more concert tickets for the people who couldn't show up tonight. As soon as I'm done with that, I'm giving my ticket to TRS for safekeeping and I'll refuse to be responsible for anything until the bus ride home on Sunday.

Next weekend is all booked up then I'm off to Key West for the end of the month. That's more packing and planning but less cleaning since Steven will be staying at my place and he's not so neat himself.

I'm tired just thinking about it all then, when I do think about it all, I can't wait for it to happen!

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