
Vegas was not so kind to some of us gamblers. The Rocket Scientist dropped some money at Blackjack on Friday night. I don't remember playing...so, I might not have.

Saturday morning, we sat down for a while and he dropped some more money but I managed to play for a while. When we left the table, I had $110 in chips in my pocket and was happy to have it. I played for a while and I got to tip the dealer and the cocktail server so it was all good.

We hooked up with Dawnie and headed down to O'Shea's for some more gambling. Small problem. I hadn't cashed in my Hooters chips and I only had $40 in my pocket and my ATM card was in the hotel room. Dang the fact that I forgot my usual travel purse! TRS pulled some money out and said, "How much do you want?" I gave him my most winsome smile and said "A hundred." I did give him my $40 in exchange.

The kids didn't do too well. Dawnie only won one hand before busting out. TRS lasted a little while longer but then he was done. I, on the other hand, was up. I was playing the sucker bet which paid off if your first two cards added up to 20 and I was hitting it fairly often. I lost about half of my money then made it back up. I was on a roll and the dealer even gave me a set of beads.

Dawnie and TRS were hanging in the lounge area with Lew while I played. I felt kind of bad leaving them over there so I decided I would cash out at $160. I was at $150 at the time. Then, $155. Then, $145. Then, $130.

Well, you get the drift. That set of beads cost me $100.

I was broke. Literally, since I had handed over my only currency to TRS.

We decided to mosey our way back to Hooters and show TRS some of the town. We were walking along and I announced, "I'm thirsty." Pretty sad since I was poor. Dawnie said, "Oh honey, do you want me to buy you a beer?" I was all smiles, "Yes, please!"

I'm such a Princess.

We stopped in for expensive beers at Paris and MGM and checked up on the kittys at MGM before we went back to Hooters. Where I cashed in my chips and hit the ATM so I wouldn't be a loser anymore. And, I didn't gamble after that so I managed to keep most of that money except for what I spent on beer. OK, I kept some of that money.

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