Stalker's Dream Come True

Not all of our group's hotel rooms were ready when we got to Hooter's but The Rocket Scientist's and mine was so Rick and Julie walked up with us to store some gear while they waited for theirs. We were on the 15th floor and our room was completely at the end of the hall.

As we were taking the long journey, two guys came out of the room two doors down from us and headed towards us. One was Jim Morris of Jim Morris and the Big Bamboo Band. We exchanged heys and continued on our way.

Then, the room right next to us opened up and out walked John Frinzi. John Frinzi of "OMG, he's so cute!" John Frinzi.

Did I mention he was RIGHT NEXT DOOR?

We stopped to say hey and I introduced us all to the guy with John. Rick and I both shook hands with him but Julie and TRS did not. John said, "Julie and TRS don't shake hands." Julie responded with, "No, we hug" and headed towards John. He flinched and stepped very quickly into his room.

Apparently, John doesn't hug.

I couldn't wait to call Dawnie and get her to guess who our neighbor was. I had to give her a clue, "He's got cute fluffy hair and he's adorable." She totally guessed it was him.

That night, as I was putting my toasted butt to bed, John and I met in the hallway again. I was very careful to just say "Hi" and leave it at that. I was worried that if I said anything else, I would be all drunk girl and slur, "I just love your music, John."

And, I was worried that I might try to hug him.

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