You'd Think We Were Teenagers

The Rocket Scientist, Unruly Julie and Pirate Captain Rick, Crime Dog and TFMCD and I went to dinner last night. (I really do seem to have an inordinate number of friends with nicknames). On the way to the restaurant, I started a text conversation with Dawnie in Des Moines. That continued while we were at the table. Then, TRS got in on the action and started texting with Dawnie (and me, story below). Crime Dog sent me a text, I replied to him then he started with Dawnie.

Oh, we did talk to the other side of the table (the other three were sitting facing us), ate our food and we listened to the singer but mostly we were involved with texting. Kinda like those crazy kids today that text each other when they're riding in the same car.

So, the story. TRS thought he was sending rebuttal texts to Dawnie in response to what I was sending her (that I always let him read but he doesn't let me read his texts, hmmm). I thought he was sending them to both of us as I was getting them. But, no, he realized he was sending them just to me. He tried to give some song and dance about how he's just conditioned to select PF when sending texts.

I have some other theories:

1. He's just obsessed with me (and, who could blame him?).
2. Dawnie and I are interchangeable in his mind (scary but possible since we are both so much fun).
3. He's not smart enough to text (unlikely for a Rocket Scientist).
4. Fill in your own guess...

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