
We ran into the team that's leading Biggest Loser today at lunch. They weighed in today because one of them is going out of town tomorrow when the official weigh in is happening. I think they should forfeit but I guess that's not in the spirit of the contest.

Since they were done with the contest, they were celebrating and eating lots of Mexican food. I don't blame them for that. Barring someone cutting off a limb before tomorrow, they have the field smoked and they'll each be pocketing $500.

What I do blame them for is that one of them was carrying out a to-go carton with sopapillas and she waved the open container in front of me. Oh, they smelled fantastic! My mouth is still watering 8 hours later. Of course, I couldn't have one because I need to watch it until tomorrow.

That bites. Plus, I rode my bike again tonight and that double bites.

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