Peer Pressure

I am still in recovery mode from the Arizona Parrot Head Club's annual Parrot Grande event that was held this weekend. Let's just say my liver is appreciating the water I'm running through it to clean it out.

One of the smart things we started doing a few years ago was to go to the resort for Thursday night. That gave us a chance to get some stuff set up, our massive amounts of crap unpacked, have dinner then enjoy the evening with a smaller gang of friends before the masses descend upon us on Friday.

I suggested a communal breakfast on Friday morning where we could get a food base in for the day and enjoy a bargain breakfast as opposed to a resort priced breakfast. The Jello Shot Queen offered up their suite as our breakfast venue so I headed over as soon as I was showered and dressed.

Except I wasn't dressed appropriately.

See, I was wearing my purple AZPHC shirt. And, all of the other girls were wearing their pink ones. Of course, I was commanded to change which I did. Fashion gods forbid I was out of uniform!

It's almost like a school uniform.

Oh, about that breakfast? Well, I'd say we got the most important items covered rather well.

At least we got our juice for the day!


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