A Holiday Tradition

My Chick Poker group formed out of a few of us working at Bookstar many years ago. I have so many fond memories of that time and feel fortunate to still be in touch with several co-workers.

One tradition that has carried on, and changed as the members of Chick Poker have, is our annual ornament exchange. Everyone buys an ornament and it's a random assignment of which one you get (they're all wrapped).

It sort of started out with a mixture of funny and nice. And, if you could get a combination of the two, it was a bonus. One year, Chris got this sparkly pear that had a face, arms and legs attached. It was hideous. She actually had it on her tree (in the back) for years until one of her dogs ate it. I also recall a snowman made out of a toilet tissue cardboard that was surprisingly nice. Oh, and there was also the sock monkey, the pickle and the elephant that blew bubbles.

This year found us with the absolutely creepiest, most disturbing ornament ever. Angela bought it and finagled it so that Chris got it. Chris usually gets the weird ones.

Seriously, WTF?
It looked like a cross between Jack Skellington and a fairy. You have to wonder not only who would buy it for real but also who designed it and approved production. It is really unattractive. And, creepy.

Angela took pity on Chris and also gave her a nice, elegant, angel ornament.

It was suggested that Chris take it into work and stick it on the corporate Christmas tree. I would totally do that except ours is in a camera area and I would get busted. She decided to take it to her brother's house, put it on the tree and see how long it takes before someone notices. 

Of course, she's worried that it will come alive before then. I suggested she leave it in her carport and, if someone steals it, they have to deal with it being from hell.

Can't wait until next year to see who comes up with the most outrageous ornament.


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