Phred's Phabulous Sweater

I've told the story about our club mascot, Phred, being kidnapped while we were in Florida and kept in Iowa. While he was treated royally, we're glad his captivity is soon to be over. Thom headed back to visit his family in Iowa for the holidays and made a trip to Ankeny to retrieve Phred.

Oh, and to go to Dawnie's fab Festivus party, too.

It's pretty traditional (if Festivus can count as a tradition). Airing of the grievances, feats of strength and an ugly sweater contest are all standard. I suspect a lot of alcohol is consumed as well.

Since Phred has a pretty cushy life and has no actual muscles or bones to help in the strength department, his only chance to participate was in the sweater category. He actually has several outfits already but none are ugly.

Until I stepped in and decided to make him a sweater. I used an old vest as a model and headed off to Michael's to buy supplies. I let the materials that I found design the final product.

Sweater Supplies
Of course, I had help.

Let me inspect your work
George was into everything. I would walk away while the glue was drying and turn to find her on the table in the middle of it all. That wouldn't have been so bad but then she started stealing things.

I have no idea how this pom-pom got on the floor.
I finally had to put all of the supplies in a box with a lid between steps. I'm surprised she didn't burn herself, or anything else, with the glue gun because she was all over everything so many times.

I'm not sure I approve of your color selection
Despite her help, I finished the sweater. I think it was a valid entry into the contest.

The pom-poms make the front.

It isn't the holidays without some Rudolph.

The sweater was FedEx'd to Iowa and Phred was ready for the party. I couldn't wait to see him in it so I asked Dawnie to send me pictures. Pictures, I got, too.
Phred and Jim's Stand In
Our friend, Jim, really wanted to be at the party so he sent a stand in Jim, complete with ugly sweater. Hilarious!

Rudolph's nose is MIA
According to reports, Phred's sweater came out a few jingle bells short after the party. If that's the worst thing that happened, it's all good.

I wish I could have been there in person but contented myself with updates throughout the night. It went pretty late because the last message came in after I was enjoying my slumbers.

Phred will be home next week. It will be good to see him and someone's already got other clothes waiting for him. I have no doubt that those will be much nicer than his sweater but it was a fun experience.


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