Bad Combo: Motion Detector, Wind and Scaredy-Cat

I woke up this morning when the neighbor cat decided to run across my roof. I assumed it was the cat because the steps were quick pitter-patter like. But, then I heard my wind chime ding and the motion detector light on my patio turned on.

Then off. Then back on.

With visions of axe murderers trying to break in, I peaked out of my bedroom window. It looked like the wind was blowing my patio umbrella, which was enough to make the light turn on.

Or, was it?

Completely wide awake at this point, I knew I had to investigate further. I don’t have a full view of the patio from my bedroom so I went out to the living room to peer through the blinds. Of course, you have to very carefully peek because you don’t want to let the axe murderer see you. After checking from several vantage points, I determined that it was indeed the wind and the umbrella.

This was all at 4:30 AM so getting back to a sound sleep before the 5:30 alarm was out of the question.

I so should not live alone.

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