How is "Presidential" Supposed to Feel?

I just sent my first email as President of the Arizona Parrot Head Club. Yep, it's official as of today that I am the new leader of our group. I predict an increase in tasty morsels joining the least, I sincerely hope so!

Funny, I don't really feel very "Presidential". I'm not even sure what it means. I think it's supposed to be someone a little (lot) more dignified than I. However, I do share Jimmy Carter's "Let's all get along" attitude. I have the Gerald Ford habit of falling down a lot (There were no grass stains!). I wouldn't necessarily turn down a hot to trot intern (male, please) so I guess I'm a tad Clintonesque. W....nope, nothing in common there...wait....nope, really nothing at all.

Here are some things I'm not going to do to appear more Presidential. I'm not going to require Hail to the Chief be played every time I show up. I won't start calling my car Air Force One. I won't send in club members to "liberate" other clubs where there are insurrections.

The wire tapping thing could be interesting though...I wonder if the NSA would let me aim the spy satellites at points of interest? Points of interest, of course, being where the tasty morsels are.

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