Lottery Dreams

Rationally, I get that playing the Lottery is a losing proposition. The odds are better that I'll get hit my lightening or find a 25 year old who wants to date me...pretty much, they're astronomical.

However, it's worth the $1 to me to have the chance to fantasize about having to answer some questions. How much would it take for me to quit my job? How much would it take to never work again? Where would I go on my first trip? If I won $100,000, what would I do with it? It's just escapist fantasy stuff for me.

Sugar Daddy and I buy tickets whenever the Powerball gets to be really big or we're having a bad week at work. We have an agreement to split any big prizes. I think that if I'm meant to win, I will do so on a $1 Pick and $1 Powerball selection each time. Sugar Daddy, since he has 5 times as much money as I, always buys five of each and is convinced he's getting screwed on the sharing thing since his investment is greater. I've told him that if we win, I'll give him $4 back. I'm generous that way.

But, we may never know if we win. The only time I think about checking our tickets is when we're at work (hmmm, think there's some underlying meaning there?) and the Lottery website is blocked. Seems it falls under the Gambling category. So, the tickets pile up in my wallet until I finally can't get anything else stuffed in to it, then I check them. I think you can only claim prizes within 180 days of the drawing and sometimes the tickets are older than that by the time I get around to them.

This morning, I went through 14 unchecked tickets that dated back to October. No winners. Not even a $1 prize.

Guess I need to go to work now.

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